brand building

4 fundamental considerations when choosing a brand name

Having the right name is important. It has an impact on how you will be viewed and treated.

Your brand name is the first ambassador of your business. You want to get it right to give a good impression.

Easy to remember

If your brand is easy to remember, it will also be easy to recall. If your brand is difficult to remember, it will also be tricky to recall.

Hence, you want to make sure your brand name is easy to remember. This is why Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, selected the name “Alibaba” for his company as people are familiar with it.


Just like your person and name, your brand should also be unique and original as much as you can get away with. This makes it easier for others to identify you but not necessarily easy to remember you.

One of the ways to achieve an original brand name is to take a subset of two words to form a new word. For example, billionaire Bill Gates’ company “Microsoft” is a combination of the word “micro-computers” and the word ‘software”.

Another popular brand name made up of two words would be “Netflix”. an American slang for the word “movie’. Netflix’s model of delivering movie content was using the Internet; hence the portion of the word “Net” makes sense.


While choosing a name that is easy to remember and recall, it should also have relevance to your business. Most brands today like Adidas, Amazon, Google, Nike, Yahoo etc, were not obvious if you have encountered them during their earlier years.

On the flip side, good brand names would be brands like Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Upon hearing these names, you quickly would understand that the former is selling burgers, and the latter is in the business of selling fried chicken.

These works for search engines, too, as when a person types in words like burgers and chicken, the two brands, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken, with the keywords as part of their brand, will show up respectively on search engine result pages.

Hence it is good to have keywords that relate to your business as part of your brand name.

Brand name availability

In today’s contact, a brand cannot be selected without any regard to its availability as a domain and on social media platforms. As more and more people start to embrace the Internet, you will find good domain names quickly taken up.

If you do not do a check, you will find yourself driving traffic to a domain or on social media platforms that you do not own.

Hence when selecting a brand name, these are three of the most fundamentals you must not forget to consider, unless you want to challenge yourself to do a rebranding exercise later on.

If you need any assistance in establishing your brand, do feel free to drop us a line.

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